News Post

Colin’s Hope Rises to the Call: A Pandemic within A Pandemic
The worldwide outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic earlier this year has changed everyone’s lives significantly. In a matter of weeks, households became educated on a virus few had known and almost none had experienced. This knowledge led governments to encourage changes in everyday behavior by releasing students from schools, imposing strict medical precautions, and having families shelter-in-place. Although these changes have been significant in and of themselves, many are unaware of the impact they have made on another equally dangerous worldwide pandemic — drowning.
Drowning receives less prominent attention, yet remains a worldwide epidemic of significant proportion. Additionally, the chaotic changes in families — kids at home, parents/caregivers working remotely, and rising temperatures — has increased drowning risks for children of all ages substantially. In the first 6 weeks of sheltering in place, the number of child drownings in Texas doubled over the current 10-year average for the same time period.
Anticipating the danger, our small but mighty team immediately pivoted and has worked around the clock since mid-March to ensure families are receiving water safety education to combat the risks within their own home.
- Our staff began regular LIVE broadcasts on social media, including water safety lessons and games for children as well as education for parents and caregivers. To date, we have recorded over 80 NEW videos that are now available to families, schools, and other partner organizations.
- We have provided schools access to water safety lessons and activities for use in an online teaching environment.
- We’ve kept our 10,000 supporters up to date in an attempt to keep water safety at the front of their minds and their families safer around water.
- We also provided an at-home project to over 75 local households that encouraged water safety discussions as a family.
We have been working passionately and tirelessly and will continue to do so as long as we are able. Although there is not much we can do to change the Coronavirus pandemic and the necessary behavior changes it has inspired, we KNOW we are making a difference in preventing drownings. THAT is the HOPE that keeps us going strong!
To support our critical work during this difficult time, please:
1) Become a Water Guardian by taking our online Water Safety Quiz to increase your water safety knowledge.
2) Use as many layers of protection as possible in and around water both at home and away.
3) Consider becoming a regular donor by visiting our donation page to keep our mission funded year-round. A monthly donation of any amount can make a life or death difference for a child.